There are several scholarships and grants are available for both undergraduates and graduate students who may need financial assistance.
Rattansi Education Fund
Offered By: Rattansi Education
Available For: Undergraduates
The Rockefeller Foundation scholarships
Offered By: The Rockefeller Foundation
Available For:Undergraduates and Graduates
The Rockefeller Foundation is committed to fostering knowledge and Innovation to enrich and sustain the lives and livelihoods of poor and excluded people throughout the world
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Aga Khan Foundation scholarships
Offered By: Aga Khan Foundation
Available For:Undergraduates and Graduates
The Aga Khan Foundation is a non-denominational, international development agency established in 1967 by His Highness the Aga Khan. Its mission is to develop and promote creative solutions to problems that impede social development, primarily in Asia and East Africa. Created as a private, non-profit foundation under Swiss law, it has branches and independent affiliates in 15 countries. It is a modern vehicle for traditional philanthropy in the Ismaili Muslim community under the leadership of the Aga Khan.
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Prof Muriuki Scholarship
Offered By: University of Nairobi
Available For:Undergraduates
Prof Muriuki Scholarship is available to needy module one undergraduate students admitted to the University of Nairobi.
Gandhi Smarak Nidhi Fund Scholarship
Offered By: Gandhi Smarak Nidhi Fund Board of Trustees
Available For:Graduates
The Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Academy of Society (MGMAS) started a trust fund in 1962; in the name of Gandhi Smarak Nidhi Fund (GSNF) that was to assist in development of higher education in East Africa. Money for this fund mainly came from the Government of India and from the three East African colonies. The money from this fund was used to construct the Gandhi Wing and the Gandhi Memorial Library as well as assisting in the purchase of the land on which the Chiromo Campus is built.
MGMAS decided to use the surplus to help bright needy students registered for various programmes of the University in form of bursaries and partial scholarships to build the capacity of trained personnel in the country as well as a gold medal to the overall best student in the University and a yearly monetary price to the best student in each faculty/school/institute. This has remained the tradition since then and many students have benefited from the fund. Currently the bursaries are given to undergraduate students and are managed by the MGMAS while the scholarship and the price are managed by GSNF. The scholarship is given to postgraduate students registered for Masters Programmes at the University of Nairobi only. A few PhD scholarships are available to women as a way of enhancing capacity for women in academia.
The fund is run by a Board of Trustees and a secretariat drawn from the University of Nairobi (U.o.N) and the MGMAS. The current Trustees are: -
- Dr. Manu Chandaria ( MGMAS) - Trustee, Chairman
- Mr. Hirji Shah ( MGMAS) - Trustee
- Prof. Henry W. Mutoro (U.o.N) - Trustee
- Prof. Lydia W. Njenga (U.o.N) - Trustee
The secretariat is made up of: -
- Ms. Archna Bulsara - Finance Officer
- Dr. Adelaide M. Mbithi (U.o.N) - Secretary
How to apply for a scholarship
Prior to the start of each University academic year the GSNF secretariat advertises for the GSNF scholarship through the local print media and through the U.o.N website; the applications are processed and the award of scholarship made on the basis of academic merit. For more information please contact: -
The secretary,
Gandhi Smarak Nidhi Fund,
Central Examination Centre, Chiromo Campus,
University of Nairobi,
P. O. Box 30197 - 00100 GPO, Nairobi
Telephone – 2538881/2538883 ext. 103.
DAAD Scholarships
Offered By: DAAD
Available For:
Find more about DAAD from their website
PHD Scholarship
Offered By: DADA- Alice Atieno Oluoko
Available For:Graduates